Life is easier when you love yourself.

Tame your inner critic and have fun doing it. 

Jumpstart your creative self-compassion journey with our free workshop!

Life is easier when you love yourself.

Tame your inner critic and have fun doing it. 

Jumpstart your creative self-compassion journey with our free workshop!


You can heal *and* have fun.

If you're interested in self-compassion, you've probably practiced meditation, attended retreats, listened to podcasts, and read lots of self-help books. Maybe you've had teachers and therapists point out that you need to be kinder to yourself, but they didn't tell you *how* ~ which left you feeling discouraged. Like it was all up to you to figure out.

You may have invested lots of time, money and energy in self-healing, and you may feel like something's still missing. You may even blame yourself.

If you feel this way, there's something you need to know:

It's not your fault.

And you're not alone.

Patricia C.

"I knew I needed to learn how to be kind to myself. I had read about self-compassion and tried to do meditations, but something was not sinking in. Art journaling got me to slow down and absorb what self-compassion means ~ especially common humanity. This changed my life. I highly recommend this work to anyone!"

It shouldn't be so hard to be kind to yourself.

The inner critic doesn't make life any easier ~ but we do. 

We teach you, step-by-step, how to be kind to yourself and have fun doing it, so you break free from the inner critic's harsh stories. 

Most of us don't know how to be kind to ourselves. It’s time for that to change… because when you love yourself, you feel more confident, calm and connected. And life is easier.


Cat S.

"I've been in somatic therapy and a Zen student for the last decade ~ it wasn't until creative self-compassion practice with Lea that I found the missing ingredient of my healing journey. Even in therapy, I could somehow avoid being warmly accepting of myself. Creative self-compassion has been a tremendous gift. Thank you, Lea!"

How do I get started?

change your life

Break free from self-judgment and feel more confident, calm and connected!

How do I get started?

Click here to join the “Love Yourself Now with Art Journaling” on-demand workshop! In this free class, you’ll learn an effective, gentle (and fun!) way to love yourself now, even if life feels difficult and uncertain.


Enroll in our transformational group program that teaches you, in a playful and step-by-step way, the skills and tools you need to break free from self-judgment and re-write your inner critic’s story.

change your life

Get out of your head, and feel more calm, confident and connected, so your imagination starts working for you, not against you.

Kelly R.

"I learned to let go of my perfectionism and the need to 'stay strong' and to instead give myself a break ~ treating myself as I would treat a friend. This was truly life-changing. Lea’s expert teaching was supported by her gentle, firm guidance and ongoing encouragement to 'be curious.' Since taking the course, my relationship with myself and with others is more authentic, connected and human. I’m extremely grateful."

Hi! I'm Lea!

You’re not the only one who has a harsh inner critic. If persistent negative thoughts make it hard to accept yourself, I can help. I'm Lea Seigen Shinraku ~ artist, teacher and licensed therapist. I lead creative self-compassion groups, workshops and trainings for people who struggle with self-judgment and perfectionism.

I’ve spent 15 years as a therapist specializing in self-compassion, two decades as a Zen practitioner, and a lifetime making art in an everyday way.



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Meredith P.

I really appreciated Lea’s thoughtful, relaxed and engaged approach in sharing her deep knowledge of self-compassion, and I benefited immensely from the wide variety of tools she shared. I often recall her teachings and continue to use the practices during times of reflection or discomfort. Lea’s wisdom and the care and intention she brings to her workshops make for a truly worthwhile experience."